
3 Jun


Author: cinmic
cowboyI’m JT’s mother. I just wanted to send a quick note to thank you for the time you’ve taken to acknowledge and encourage my son. It’s meant a lot to him. We are so proud of him. It’s been a very long road and there were moments I didn’t know if we’d make it, but here we are- graduation. I want to shout from the rooftop to all parents of teen’s with autism- “You can survive the teen years!”

He is a fabulous young man and he has so much ahead of him. Placing him at Step, the shelter where you met him, was one of the hardest things we’ve ever done as parents. It means so much to me that you were there, reaching out to those kids. JT had a solid home to come back to and was placed for the immediate safety of his siblings during a meltdown. So many of the kids at that shelter don’t have homes to go back to and they don’t have parents who will stand by them.

What I learned through that experience is that sometimes it is someone OUTSIDE of the family circle, someone who is under no obligation to say nice things to a child, that makes the most impact in a child’s life. It really does take a village to raise a child.

Thank you for being a part of our village and thank you for being there for so many more. See More


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