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Real authentic Christmas photo of Santa Claus in the snow

It is getting to look alot like Christmas. We are hosting our 12th annual ICS Christmas Party at the New Tazewell National Guard Armory December 17th at 1 pm. We will have about 150 kids there from Kingswood School, Claiborne County and Knoxville. I hope you can join us on that day. I want to be able to give a Christmas present to each child so I would like for you to buy a $10 gift for a boy or girl between the ages of 8 and 16 and drop it off at Reset Games. in Tazewell by December 11. Also let me know if your gift is for a boy or girl and what age you are buying for. When you drop off your gift, please include a Holiday bag for the gift. Let me know in the next couple of days if you will be able to help us out or if you would like to volunteer at the event.You will be able to start dropping off the gifts by November 15. If you would like to donate please go to and hit the donate button. Hope to see you there to spread the love and cheer. Thanks so much, Michael McMeel

26 Oct

Dream it Anyway

Author: cinmic 0 comments