
20 Aug


Author: cinmic

While I was doing dishes this morning I had this thought. I get a lot of thoughts while doing dishes. But that is a whole other story. This thought got my attention. It was about ADVERSITY.

I remember when I was a kid, oh about 5 years old, my mom and dad got divorced. I took it pretty hard. But I remember making a decision back then. I thought, “well dad is no longer going to be around so I better step up my game”, something like that. Probably not the usual thought for a 5 year old. But I knew that I had to somehow grow up if I was going to “make it”. It became an opportunity for me to build my character, to challenge myself. As adults we get blindsided by all kinds of unforeseen challenges that seem insurmountable at the time. But they are opportunities to build our character and strengthen our resolve. So….. this is the hard part….don’t resist them. Believe it or not…. Invite them in. You have a better chance of dealing with them and turning them into opportunities of growth and not moments of quiet desperation.

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